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Technology Making Our Lives Easier

Monday 5 November 2012

Turning waste streams into domestic energy

Klean Industries is one of the first companies worldwide to focus exclusively on economic development and industrial symbiosis using clean technologies (Cleantech) and renewable energies. Klean is rapidly developing projects using commercially proven technologies that produce the highest quality fuels, nano-carbons and green energy from waste materials and surface carbon feedstocks. Their primary applications convert petroleum based waste streams such as plastics and tires into valuable commodities for reuse - reinventing oil with conservation and energy efficiency.

This plant also provides a local community center with its heat and hot water; it also sequesters the CO2 emissions by providing food grade CO2 to local greenhouses for agricultural plant production and has an integrated waste water treatment facility that is so clean that it's used as a turtle habitat and breeding ground for a local university.

Amazingly all at the same time that this facility turns end-of-life tires to high grade commodities -such as CO2e Credits, Diesel Fuel, Nano Carbon Black Filler, it also provides the energy for an automotive recycling plant that re-smelt aluminum car engines for recycling.

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